A Writer's Ramblings
Will The Real Satoshi Please Stand Up
One of the most groundbreaking innovations of the modern era is blockchain technology. It's uses are so varied that it can advance almost any industry and as our world continues to be more depend on technology, I believe that we will be fully blockchain dependent - right down to personal identity. Since blockchain technology is just over 10 years old, it's taking businesses and governments time to adapt and learn it's advantages. But have no doubt, blockchain is the future basis of almost everything. -
The Voss Coin - The Book Cover
One of the most fun and exciting stages in creating a novel is when you need to decide on the cover design. The reason I say that, it's because you're towards the end of your project and your baby is coming to life. That crazy idea you had in your head is now ready for the physical world. Something that people can see, relate to and thoroughly enjoy. I actually developed the cover before I had finished writing The Voss Coin. Once I was decided on the title, I set about creating the cover. It gave me a sense of realism and motivation to dedicate more time to writing and bring my novel into the world. -
The Voss Coin - A Prelude To The Future
We live in a past paced world with an ever increasing daily digital consumption. A lot of us live and work within in our screens for the majority of our waking hours. Whether that's good or bad is another matter, it's reality. The tech companies are going to major lengths to ensure that we can consume more easily and achieve our objectives. That is a positive no doubt. However within our current digital ecosystem there is a fundamental flaw, the payments system.